Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Summer Winding Down

This has been a pretty full summer. It started out with four of us taking a road trip to Omaha to see the College World Series. Along the way we stopped at Las Vegas, Albuquerque (Michelle would agree that it wasn't out of our way), Colorado Springs, and Denver. It was a crazy 14 days and a ton of fun.

I then came back and started an internship with Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, one of Hitachi's companies that makes HDDs. I basically stumbled into this internship and it's been great. I've had fun, learned a lot, got some great experience, and thankfully earned much needed cash for my study abroad experience.

Half-way through the summer (July 25-27) I was flown out to Atlanta by PwC to attend the Leadership Adventure. We heard lectures, did fun activities, and had a big group project requiring 28 teams to build a flotation device out of cardboard. Naturally, my team came in third, although we were DQed for minor reasons...

On my way back from Atlanta I got to stay the weekend in Albuquerque to see Michelle. We went to Santa Fe, bowling, hiking, rode a really long tram, and more. It was great spending some quality time with her.

I'm now wrapping up my internship and getting ready to go to Spain. Things are really falling into place. A lot of pieces were missing to begin with, but thankfully they’ve been filled in. I realize that I'm truly blessed in several ways.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Google Ads

Today I decided to try out AdSense by Google. I'm curious to see what kind of revenue I'll generate by placing ads on my blog. If they get too obnoxious or people really dislike them, I'll pull them.

In more exciting news, my girlfriend Michelle is coming out to Spain after her finals are done in early December! She'll be in Europe about 9 days. By that time I'm hoping to know the area well enough to show her around and offer some amazing advice, haha. So that's another exciting thing I'll have going on in Barcelona.

Monday, August 13, 2007

< 3 Weeks

Hey everybody!

Well, as the title of this posts suggests, I'm writing this with less than three weeks to go until I head out to Barcelona, Spain. Everything is slowly falling into place. I got my Visasdo (Visa) from Spain, so it's official; they'll let me into the country for 4 months. We'll find out if they made the right choice or not, haha.

I'm really excited and am trying to think of what all I'll want to see and do while I'm over there (besides study, of course).

Thanks for reading, and, as always, I'll try to keep this entertaining.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Hello everyone!

Well, here's my first post on my blog. I figure I'll make a few posts before I leave to let people know how I'm feeling and how I'm preparing for this 16 week long trip.

Today I went to B&N with Carrie to buy some books. I got some Spanish dictionaries and travel guide books. Should be exciting flipping through them and figuring out what all I want to do over there in Europe.

Anyway, I'm getting pretty excited. I hope you enjoy this blog.
