Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Catalans are, um, different

Barcelona and Catalunya are a little weird and different. I say this now because today I was reminded of the Catalan people's odd obsession with poop. We all remember my caganer post (back in September). For my art class, I've recently read about French artists being a little weirded out by the Catalans in their same "art group" who'd draw feces and stuff (like Dalí and even Miró a little). Today I also learned about the caca tió (uncle poop). He's this little log with a face that apparently has a blanket behind him (I tried Google searching for images, but gave that up after, um, some not so cool pictures came up...). Kids feed him at night, and the next day there will be a present under the blanket. On Christmas he's then broken open and the presents are revealed. At least, that's how I understand it. A little, um, different. Pooped out presents...

Anyway, today I cashed in my 2 for 1 coupon at Dunkin' Donuts. I had a Catalan donut called Torrón (I think). I'm not sure what the filling was, but it was tasty.

I also ate at the cheap Chinese restaurant. It was good, but I find it funny that they didn't have chopsticks.

Tomorrow is a holiday celebrating when Spain signed it's Constitution on December 6, 1978. No school! Yea! This long weekend I'm going to make some plans for when Michelle is here and get my homework done. I'm pumped.

Enjoy the end of the week. Woo woo. And yep, it's Christmas season.

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