Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Havin' Fun

Hey everyone! Sorry for the absence. Michelle and I are having a lot of fun (and getting little sleep). We've been seeing all kinds of sights. She's going to have a "guest post" either tomorrow or Friday.

We're about to go to a soccer game now. Should be fun. As I warned, this next week or so is going to be crazy. And wow, I come home in a little over a week!

Ah, and I'm still doing well in school! I got a 10/10 on my econ paper. I also learned that I scored a 5 on the placement test for Spanish (we took that back in June). Other people in the class scored 10s, 7s, 15s, and a 28! I was the lowest, haha. However, that means I can "improve" more than the others, and that's the basis of your grade. So that's good. Perhaps I'll pull off a decent grade in the Spanish class yet. I'll have more information on the Spanish final later.

Okay, later everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wah, now that Michelle is with Chad, he has no time to blog.

7 days till Chad comes home!!!