Monday, December 3, 2007

Tasty burger and Spanish Hours

First of all, rumor has it that some people do not believe me when I say this one bar serves 13L beers. I'm well aware that is over 3 gallons. I shall take pictures next time I go as proof. Hmph!

Last night I had this amazing burger. As I've said before, we're kinda on our own for food on the weekends. Usually my señor will leave frozen pizzas or leftovers. However, a lot of times he doesn't leave enough. There wasn't any food in the fridge, so I was eating cereal. He then came home around 9:15pm and gave me this burger from some local joint. It was about the closest thing to a real cheeseburger that I've seen here outside BK. It was very good.

I got a great night's rest again and woke up and changed my contacts today. Boy, I needed it. I wear monthly ones and the last pair were abused pretty good.

One thing all of us students have picked up on is they love the song Umbrella here. Oh my goodness. If I don't hear it at least once when I'm out, then something is wrong. Apparently that song took Europe by storm. I'm reminded of this because today on the metro there was a 30 year old man who had it as his ring tone. I thought that was funny.

Ah, and today I purchased tickets for another FC Barça game. It's next Wednesday when Michelle is here ( < week!). That should be fun, and she'll get to see the biggest stadium in Europe.

Getting the tickets was harder than it should have been. You have to purchase them at the stadium, and it's a ways away from my homestay and school. I went during lunch, but of course, at 1:30pm it makes too much sense to be open. They were closed for the lunch hour. I forgot about that. They didn't open back up until 3:30pm. Many, many places in Spain close for about 2 hours in the middle of the day. I had to buy them after school. As my management teacher would say, "It's a cultural difference."

Have a great week, everyone!

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