Thursday, December 6, 2007

Starting my productive weekend

Today's been a pretty low-key day. I've been getting some homework done, picked up something from the grocery store, and helped my housemate eat his peanut butter. He went a little crazy and now has 2 containers full of it and we only have 2 weeks left.

Last night was pretty fun. Met up with some friends and hit up this club called Duvet just about 10 minutes away walking. It had the best entertainment that I've seen at a club yet. Usually clubs have dancers, usually wearing odd things, just standing in place and dancing up on a pedestal-type thing. This place had a bunch of hip hop/freestyle dancers. It was pretty entertaining and practically the whole club stopped to watch. It was a good night, ending at around 4am. Michelle, I hope you're ready for the Spanish nightlife.

I guess that's really all for today. Tomorrow I plan on going to this library that has English books to work on my art project. So far it's been a good, productive weekend.

Oh, and I am excited to come home for the crazy bowl games. This should be a sweet post-season in college football (of course, I can think of one thing that could make it better...).

And I'm listening to some Justin Timberlake and I also look forward to hearing some American music when I get back. Well, they play a ton of American music in clubs, but it ain't the same. It's often techno-fied, etc. I suppose I'm 4 months behind. Chris, you'll have to catch me up. Is Soulja Boy still hot?

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