Tuesday, December 18, 2007

She's gettin' ready to leave

At the moment I'm sitting on Michelle's bed as she is packing up to go home. Her flight leaves at 10:40am which gives me enough time to drop her off and then get back in time for my art final (for those of you who are curious, my flight leaves at 9:35am and I arrive in San Francisco at 8:55pm). It has been a great time with her over here in Barcelona. Last night, the two of us met up with another friend and went to the Dow Jones bar. That's the place where the drinks fluctuate with "demand" and then there's a "crash." It was fun.

Today we went to the MNAC museum with the friend of hers who is visiting Barcelona, too. I left them a little early to go take my management final. Boy, I am so happy that class is over. I loved all my other classes, but that one... Management classes are not my favorite. Too much random theory and stuff. And I can only hear, "It's the culture," or "It's a cultural difference," so many times...

After my test I met up with Michelle and a couple of her friends and then we went to this tapas type bar down by the beach. We only stayed there for a little bit and then came home. It was a lot of fun and a nice experience for Michelle.

Tonight we're having a really big/nice meal. Our RA is coming to visit and is eating with us. I'm excited to see what we'll be eating. I'm sure it will be a very long dinner. After that, Michelle and I will get ready for one last night on the town together.

Man, it's been a very busy week +. Things will calm down a bit on Wednesday after my final and Michelle leaves. Haha, but of course, then I have to get ready to come home. Goodness, this has been a great experience. Thanks everyone for tuning in. Have a good day.

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