Saturday, December 8, 2007

Finishing up some homework

All right! I finished my presentations and my paper. I just have to go over my presentations again. I'll probably do that tomorrow.

It's been a fairly quiet weekend, as you've probably noticed due to my lack of overly exciting posts. I've gotten some rest and some homework done. In about half an hour I'm headed to my intercambio. This might be my last time meeting with him. Or, we might meet next week sometime and Michelle could come along. We'll see.

And speaking of that, yep, she comes in less than two days. On Monday I'm waking up early to go pick her up at the airport. I'll then bring her to the homestay, get her situated, and then head off for class. We've got quite a bit of things to do and see while in Barcelona. I'm very excited. My posts next week might be shorter and next weekend I'm in Madrid. I guess it's starting to wind down/wrap up. Goodness. I can't believe it has been about 14 weeks. I have less than 2 weeks to go until I'm homeward bound.

To end on an educational note, today is December 8 which is another holiday here in Spain. It's the day to celebrate the Immaculate Conception. If you ask me, it's a little odd to celebrate that just a few weeks before the birthday. I mean, shouldn't that day be in March? Anyway, so many stores are closed today. Some years, December 6 (signing of the constitution) and the 8 fall on a Wednesday/Friday. Usually that translates into a 5 day weekend. Wow!

Enjoy the weekend!

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