Monday, December 10, 2007

Michelle's Here!

I couldn't sleep too much last night. I got up early to go pick up Michelle and it was great to see her in person. Web cams and emails can only do so much (Gets me excited to see my family, too!). She got in all right and I got her oriented a bit before I went to class. I gave my 2 presentations (went well) and then she met me after my Spanish class. We walked around the old part of town and saw some churches and some Christmas markets. Yep, I'm going to have to buy a caga tio and a caganer.

She's resting right now before dinner. We're then going to plan out tomorrow, etc, and then head out to a bar frequented by IES students. It should be fun and should serve as a nice warm up to the BCN nightlife.

Well, I'm going to try to get some homework done (just some reading) and then shower while she's sleeping. Have a great week, everyone. I'm super excited. This one's going to be a lot of fun for me. Ah, and dinner should be interesting tonight. I'll report back, um, eventually, haha.


Unknown said...

We want photos!!!

Anonymous said...

Chad, yes we want photo's! Pat

Anonymous said...

Chad, glad everything went fine with Michelle's trip. Have fun but remember your studies, son. (I know I sound like your mother) Can't help it, son. Anyway, continue to enjoy life as it comes your way.
Love and Miss you,