Friday, October 19, 2007

Don't Eat the Sushi

Sorry, but there's no root beer in this country. Don't worry though, you can go to a bar without drinking and you can go to a bar without getting hammered. Don't worry about me, family. And yes, it is 18 here. Apparently the smoking age is 14, based on what I see kids doing (either that, or Europeans look really young).

Last night I just met up with a friend, went to this cool, new club for a bit, and then went to bed early.

Today I woke up early to go on a field study for my economics class, The Economic Effects of Spain's EU Membership. I just really love this class (despite the fact that no one else does). I've learned all about Spain's past with the Franco dictator and the economy during those years. We're now learning about what happened after he died in 1975.

Anyway, we were meeting at the Port of Barcelona Office. Only eight of us showed up, but oh well. It was pretty interesting. We went inside and watched this very well put together video about the port (and it was also in English). It was actually very cool and educational. Then we got on a bus and drove around it a little bit. Interesting to see. I never really thought much about Barcelona's port, but it's a major one in Europe and in the Mediterranean.

As I was walking home, there were protesters on La Rambla. Something about Phillips, I think. I then walked to Plaça de Catalunya and did some mild shopping. I walked into H&M because they were having a sale on their already fairly cheap clothes. I tried on some shirts, but man, they didn't fit well, plus the stitching was terrible. I mean, I'm not a clothes connoisseur, so if I notice it, that's pretty bad. So forget that place.

And as I walked up Gracia, I saw more protesters. This time about about Mercedes. Here's a picture of a sticker one guy gave me. It was hard to take a picture of it. From what I've made out, I guess they're closing a plant and laying off 500 people (I stuck it on the port pamphlet we got). Ah, and there were guys in suits, with breifcases, with pig masks on shouting stuff. Too bad I don't know Catalan.
When I got back, I found out my señor is leaving again for the weekend, so that's kinda cool. I was then told about a sushi place just a block away. It was one of those all you can eat sushi boat type places. I've never gone to one of those before, so I thought I'd give it a try. I had 29 plates (small portions on each though). And man, I felt kinda sick. First off, I'm never doing sushi like that again. Not very fresh. Not very good. Ugh. Especially in Spain, and especially when my diet has been mostly white bread and baguettes for the last 2 months. Wow, it was a shock to the stomach/system.

After sushi I withdrew some money from a Barclay's ATM. Apparently they don't charge Bank of America people. I'll see. Here's a picture of some money. Might be interesting. And I had my first intercambio by myself. The guy I'm with is pretty cool. He talks a lot and kinda fast (we were there for 2.5 hours. I finally told him I had to leave. I was meeting my housemate back at the homestay for supper). It was cool though. He had a beer and I had a coffee (see, family? I'm doing good). Very good practice.

Well, I've gotta go. We're meeting some of my housemate's friends in a few minutes. Have a good Friday, everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your blog, but don't get to read it too often (only when Isabelle is asleep!). I have a few questions...Why go to Spain if you don't know much Spanish? What language did you take in college? And weren't you allergic to seafood as a kid? Thanks for the cheap entertainment! Love, Angela