Monday, October 8, 2007

A Few More Oktoberfest Stories

Here are some other funny/interesting stories that I didn't include in my last post. Also, excuse it if it was poorly written. I was running on airport bench sleep. Although, it wasn't as bad as it might sound.

Anyway, when it comes to drinking beer, there are several ways to go about it. While some liked the Pound-Three-Beers-In-One-Hour approach (which, if you do the math, is equal to about 12 American beers), I preferred the Buy-One-And-Nurse-It-For-Two-Hours-To-Look-Cool approach. Much cheaper (I spent 8€ while others spent over 100€) and you don't feel awful the next day (or later that evening) like most of the other people did.

Here's a picture of me with the beer I bought (9:27am). My goodness, I need to take Picture Taking lessons.
And here I am at 10:24am (digital cameras embed the time pictures are taken).
So you can see the rate of consumption. Also, by this time we met up with more people, one of whom had a hat we all loved. Everyone got a picture of themselves with the hat on. You have to admit, it's pretty cool. Also, you can see by the sweatshirt I'm wearing how I may have jacked a stein or two.

Speaking of the sweatshirt, if you can't read it, it says ACE on it. At my school, there's this business honors type program that, now that I think about it, I've mentioned before in this blog (when I did the Correfoc). That thing's gotten some serious, hard loving. A bunch of us at Oktoberfest are in that program, and they thought it was hilarious that I was wearing it there (and during the fire run. They loved the burns in it). They made a video of me pretending to be hammered and telling the lady in charge of the program that I love her and the ACE program. It's pretty darn funny if you ask me. I'd post it on here if I could.

Ah, and one last Oktoberfest story. We were in the train station in Munich (not the ghetto one) and I wanted to find a bathroom. I had an hour to find one, so I set off. The underground station is HUGE, but I could not find a bathroom. There are NO signs. Sheesh. I walked and walked, and finally headed for the surface. I asked a hotel manager, but he said it was for guests only. I went into a restaurant, and gave that up right away. I then walked by another stripper joint and into a bar/club-type place. It was playing some pretty good music (Timbaland's Way I Are). I danced my way to the back and got in line. I talked to a German guy and he said that, yes, the bathrooms are hard to find down there. That made me feel better. At least I wasn't a moron.

Today in my ECON class we finished watching this movie from 1961 called One, Two, Three. It was about an American businessman living in Berlin. It was a comedy and I actually found it pretty interesting. We then discussed the political statements and stereotypes that were in the movie. I enjoy that class a lot. The only problem is, I don't think anyone else does. Practically all of them are taking it pass/fail (I can't with my school. And besides, that'd be a waste if I took all pass/fail classes). They all hate the class, too. Oh well.

I was going to go to the supermarcado, but it started raining. I have no food at the moment for lunches, so I'll have to go sometime today. Also, our señor left for a 10 day trip, but we don't think he left enough food for us. We're kinda confused. Some of us thought he said a lady was going to come to make us food, and some of us don't think that. We'll see, I suppose.

Ah, and my nose is stuffy again. I just might have to accept the fact that I'll be sick off and on for the next 3 months.

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