Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Munich & Langosta

Well, today I printed out my airplane ticket and hotel reservation for Munich, Germany. I'm going up there early Friday and coming back in the afternoon on Sunday. I'll be traveling with 3 lady friends, so that should be interesting. It's the last weekend of Oktoberfest, which oddly enough goes from Sept. 22 - Oct. 7. An estimated 6 million people are expected to show up during these 3 weeks. Each year, the festival is kicked off when the mayor says the traditional words "O'zapft is!" (the barrel has been tapped). Oh Germans...

Apparently there's a TON of stuff to do and the area is huge. I'll be sure to bring back a full report on Sunday.

Oh, and to answer a question, the drinking age here, and it most of Europe I believe, is 18. You have to be that old to get into clubs, too. They don't card too often, though, unless you look young.

On another note, I take pride in the fact that I'm fairly daring when it comes to trying new foods. I'll basically try anything. I've especailly gotten that reputation at my homestay. When my housemates reach for the American brands and the good ol' fashion ham, I reach for the more Spanish stuff, like this:

I think I finally met my match.

When I purchased this langosta, the only thing I knew about it was it was some kinda seafood thing. In slices of meat. Man, it even sounds disgusting. I would basically describe it as slices of imitation crab. I went to make my sandwich for today and whipped this out. Opened it up... It smelled horrible. Oh. My. Goodness. I was terrified at lunch. I opened up the container that my sandwich was in and got nauseous from the smell. I forced myself to take a bite, and had to find the nearest trashcan. I did not throw up, but I had to spit it out. I just could not swallow it. In summary, that stuff's going in the trash.

In other news, my señor is going to be gone for the next 10 days. Tonight is his last night here. He's going off to another house of his on some beach. I'm sure I'll learn more tonight.

Shirt of the day, brought to you by my housemate:

"I * really like New Jersey"

The "*" is meant to stand for a star.


Unknown said...

Chad, I think "langosta" means "lobster." I might be wrong, though, so I'm gonna go look it up . . .

*looks up word*

Yes! I was right! (Gold star for Carrie.) You were eating lobster deli slices. That sounds decadent . . . yet incredibly nasty. Lobster should only be eaten freshly boiled drenched in butter.

Unknown said...

Haha, "langosta insecto" means "locust." Check the ingredients!!!!!!