Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Reputation and Phone Bill

The other day I saw someone smoking while driving a moped. Now that's dedication

Anyway, I got my first PicCell Wireless phone bill last night. All I can say is, I fared fairly well (like that word usage?) compared to others. In fact, I did great. I know one person whose bill was over 20 times higher than mine. I'm living on a strict budget, so I have to watch my phone usage (hmm "strict budget." That makes it sound so... so desperate, which it is not. However, if my loving family and friends out in Internetland would like to send me money, may I direct your attention to my Mailing Address and Some Stories post).

Today I was going to book my train ticket from Madrid to Barcelona for Michelle and I's trip (Carrie so kindly explained who this lady is through one of her recent comments). However, trains in December are still not available for booking yet. Oh well.

And man, my Spanish class is pretty hard for me. It's all in Spanish, including homework instructions, etc, so that complicates things. Things get lost in translation often, I feel. However, I'm doing all right and I'm learning quite a bit. Sheesh, I think we're up to to five verb tenses. Yes, it is five because I just counted. Anyway, I'm toying with having mini Spanish lessons at the end of my posts. Mostly for me because I feel that might help me out a bit. Hmm... I just might do that next time.

My other classes are going great and I'm really enjoying them. More on each individual class in future posts.

Ah yes, and this I found pretty entertaining. I may have mentioned this before, but in my homestay, I somehow got the reputation of going out every night. I mean, we're talking about me here. I feel like I've taken advantage of my time here in Barcelona (I walk around, check out the sites and different areas, etc) and part of that includes going out and seeing the clubs (heck, they're free, remember?). I guess I do go out more than my housemates, but last night, at dinner, my señor said something that I thought was pretty funny.

Note: It was all in complicated Spanish, so this is my translation.

He said asked me if I was going out tonight. After a pause to translate, I said no. I was going to rest that night. Besides, it was Monday for crying out loud. He said, "yes yes yes." The Mexican girl then asked my señor if I go out every night. He said, "yes, all the time." He thought it was funny, which I suppose is a good thing for me, although I am flabbergasted by this. Eh, oh well, haha. Makes me feel cool.

And speaking of which, I'm going out tonight (What?! I have a reputation to uphold!). Going to meet up with some friends; one is in town from London. There is this bar called Dow Jones. It is nearby (I think) and apparently the prices of drinks fluctuate with the demand of them. It sounds pretty darn cool to a guy who loves his Spanish economics course. I'll have a report tomorrow.

In my Spanish book, there's a drawing of a woman wearing a shirt that says "Pop Culture." She's cooking with her mom, so I'm not sure why she's wearing such a shirt.

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