Sunday, October 14, 2007

Football, Moped, and My Trip Itineraries

Our señor finally comes back today. To be honest, it was nice having a break from him (minus the lack of food). The 5 of us (3 SCU guys and 2 Mexican girls) really bonded while he was gone. So it was good.

And I have to get this off my chest. This seems to be one of the best college football seasons ever, and I'm over here missing it. However, the one thing, and major thing, that takes away from the sheer awesomeness of the 2007 season is how terrible Nebraska is playing. Oh my gosh. It crushes me to come back from a club and see that Nebraska got destroyed. This team better turn it around! Ugh.

And speaking of coming back from a club, at about 4am I almost got hit by a moped while I was in a crosswalk. The light was green for me, but I hear the roar of a moped engine and look up. I see this off-pink moped barreling down on me, crappy breaks squeaking. He, and the lady sitting behind him, got within a foot or two of me. I could have literally touched it if I wanted to. I didn't know what to yell, so I just went "Heeyrrrrrahh," a combination of "hey" and grunting. The funny thing is, he looked scarred/embarrassed. Pssh, punk. He then sat there at his red light.

And today I went for a little walk to a really nice park. Just a few blocks away. A lot of trees and everything. I studied some Spanish there. Nice environment. Except, I guess there's one thing. Barcelona has little pools and fountains everywhere, and they'd be nice if it wasn't for the fact that they're all nasty. They could use more cleaning, which is surprising because they clean the streets and sidewalks here constantly.

This coming weekend is the last weekend I'll be in Barcelona for a while. Below I've listed my travel itinerary. I'm excited to see the different parts of Spain/Europe. All of my flights and hostels/hotels are booked. So it's official.

Fall Break: October 26-November 4
Fly into Pisa Fri. Oct. 26 and then take a bus to Florence
Spend three nights in Florence and take a train to Rome
Spend two nights in Rome and fly to Athens on Wed. Oct. 31
Fly home to Barcelona Sat. Nov. 3

That should be an exciting trip. I'll be with 2 lady friends, one from SCU and the other's her roommate here. We're going to try to meet up with some people in Italy if we can. There probably won't be blog posting for those 9 days or so. Probably won't be blog posting during any of these trips, I suppose.

San Sebastián: Nov. 9-11
This is the Basque area of Spain, in the north. Should be educational, fun, and beautiful. I'm going by myself, but there's going to be a bunch of IES kids up there at the same time.

Sevilla: Nov. 16-18
Southern Spain. Going with my friend Derek from SCU.

Granada: Nov. 23-25
Another area of southern Spain. Going there by myself.

Madrid: Dec. 14-17
Michelle is going to be over here and we're going to go to Madrid for the weekend. On the way back we're going to take an overnight train.

United States of America: Dec. 21
Yep, on December 21, I fly back home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For all those who don't know, Michelle is Chad's very cute, sweet GIRLFRIEND!!!!