Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Scary Lady Picture

Last night, at dinner, the other housemate that knows about the same amount of Spanish as I do was gone. Therefore, even more Spanish, at a torrid pace, was spoken. I learned one thing from that expereince. Jokes in Spanish are not funny.

Then, for breakfast, the German guy came back (he's been gone for a while, but he's friends with my señor). It was just my señor, the German guy, and me, so German was spoken at the table. Goodness.

Then, tonight, at supper, both of my housemates were gone. However, it wasn't too bad. It's fun trying to communicate in my terrible Spanish. They really seem to appreciate it. I surprise them to from time to time (oh yeah, brought out the past tense of estar).

For the first time, it rained in Barcelona. There's been modest showers and some spitting before, but this was a healthy, steady rain. Unfortunately, it did not help with the smell of the city, haha.

It was also unfortunate because I did a lot of waking in it for nothing. I signed up for some intercambios, which is a program here where you meet up and talk with a Spaniard. The idea is to practice your Spanish. The meeting was tonight, so I walked to the IES building and tried to check in. I wasn't on the list. It turns out my RA told the IES lady she was going to set me up with one of her friends. I later found out she's doing the same thing for my housemate and emailed him this. I kinda wish she would have emailed me, haha.

And now onto the main point of my post. There's this scary painting that hangs (crookedly) outside our bathroom. Here's what it looks like with the flash
And without
I'm not sure if I can truly capture the creepiness of this picture in a blog, but I'll try. First of all, just look at it. I mean, what the heck? She's got huge, crazy hair. Pasty white. Giant forehead and long neck. And is she wearing feathers? Plus, whenever the hall way is dark and I open up the bathroom door a crack, I jump. All I see is the reflection of a face in the mirror. So darn creepy. Here's my attempt at taking a photo of it.

Okay, this post didn't turn out quite the way I planned, but just try to understand. Darn that creepy pale lady!

And yesterday I saw a white guy wearing a shirt that had a circle on it. Around the circle it said, "Northern Soul." In the middle of the circle was a clenched fist wearing a black glove.

That's all for now. My next post will come on Sunday when I get back from Munich. Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chaddy what a sense of humor. I think the lady on the wall might be the Queen of England (Ha) Hope you had a good time in Germany. Dennis, Bob and I went to the German Fest here in SF a couple weeks ago. Very chilly. Dennis wore his long underwear. Love you, Bob and Donna