Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Interview, BK, and schoolwork

Hey everyone!

Wow, busy day, and I still have a lot left to do. I have two midterms and a quiz tomorrow, plus a paper. Pssh, I can do it.

Anyway, real quick, I finally interviewed that one guy for my management class. He started a company called AdOne. They are into "Techno-Marketing." New ways to advertise to people. It was pretty interesting.

Also, I had another intercambio today. We met in between my classes. There weren't too many restaurants around, but he offered to go to McDonald's. Now, my goal was to not go to that while over here. However, he insisted. The Burger King was closer, so I finally gave in, but suggested that. I don't see as coping out or anything, though. It was differently different than in the U.S. First of all, it took us over an hour to eat our burgers. In Spain, lunch is definitely a big deal. It's a time for sitting down, relaxing, and talking. Overall, I won't go back, but I guess it was a good experience to see an American fast food restaurant in Spain.

The burger wasn't the same though. I swear.

I saw a sweatshirt on a guy today that said, "Warm Me Up."


Unknown said...

When I was in Spain, my roomie and I used to sneak out to Pizza Hut on nights our Senora's food was not good (read: third night of leftovers). Comfort food.

Anonymous said...

warm me up!