Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Night in Barcelona

Note: There might have been some slight exaggerations in my previous post. Haha. Just trying to convey the Barcelona street experience.

And now to convey the Barcelona night life. My goodness. Spaniards do indeed party until the wee hours of the morning, as I think I've mentioned before. My travel guidebook for Europe claims that the Spanish get an hour's less worth of sleep each night, and I can believe it.

I met up with a couple lady friends, one who was visiting from her study abroad in Florence. We went to this small restaurant/bar and got sangria. I learned a crucial lesson here. First of all, I guess sangria is not a manly drink. Second of all, only tourists really order sangria from bars, restaurants, etc. From what I've read, sangria is really something meant to be made at home. I guess it's not hard. All you need is red wine, some cut up fruit, sugar or honey, club soda, and maybe some spirits. Lesson learned, and lesson to be applied. I guess that also explains why the stuff is so darn expensive.

From there we hopped on the metro (open until 2am on Fridays) and went to Villa Olimpica, the club-ish area down by the beach. In my opinion, this is where the best club in Barcelona is: Catwalk. Obviously I haven't been to all of them, but my favorite so far. If you recall, it is the one where the first floor is techno and the top floor is hip-hop/rap. Oh that top floor is so refreshing. I'm sorry, but I really like American music. I get plenty of techno other nights.

I was on the list for Catwalk, but when we got there (before 1am, which is very early in Spain. Oh well, the ladies didn't want to be out too late) they would only let me in and not them (which, now that I think about it, is contrary to most bouncer mentalities. Only letting the dude in??!). Every other night I've been out, as long as one person in your party is on the list, it's okay.

They were not about to pay 18€ cover charge, so we walked away and into this other club. I happened to be on that list. Well, kind of. Kike, the sketchy promoter guy, was at that club, and I've met him and he knows me because I frequent his "parties" (which he likes because he makes money off everyone who gets in under his name). So we got in because I mentioned his name. The lady led us to a VIP area and we sat down. She came up to us a few minutes later and asked us, with a hint of suspicion, why we were not with Kike, who was with a big group off to our left. I, seizing the moment to look cool, got up, walked over to Kike, and chatted with him a bit. Pssh, proved her suspicions wrong. It was all "heys!" and Spanish handshakes between Kike and I. You'd swear we went back 10 years. Oh promoters. Everyone's friend. We then danced for an hour or so. The ladies had a good time, but wanted to go home early, so they got a taxi at around 2:30am.

I didn't want to pay for a taxi, but wanted to wait for the metro to open at 5am. I went back to Catwalk, got in, and met up with some other friends who were inside. It was a pretty good time.

I went to bed at 6am (don't worry, I took a nap before I went out. I'm getting enough sleep, I swear, Dad) and woke up at 10am. Stupid body. I know I'm a little sick and need the rest, so I forced myself to go back to sleep until noon. I'll probably take another nap here in a bit. However, first, I'm going to do some homework.

And some black guy was wearing a T-shirt at Catwalk that read:

Who the **** is

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