Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Funny Spaniards

Hey everyone.

I'm currently writing this post at the IES computer center. It's a little harder because the Internet is set to Spanish, and the keyboard is Spanish as well. Some of the keys are just in different locations. The Internet also kinda sucks. In fact, it borders on terrible. But oh well. I'll give the Europeans a break.

I thought I'd write this post now, between classes, because I won't have time tonight. I have a cooking class that goes until 10pm and then a Spanish midterm that I must study for. I'm feeling pretty good about that, though.

And speaking of Spanish class, I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the Spaniards are, um, not as politcally correct or sensitive as we are in the U.S. Several times now, the Japanese have come up in Spanish class. An example the teacher used was, "No puedo hablar Japonés" (I can't speak Japanese). As she did that, she stretched out her eyes, making them "slanted." We thought it was hilarious, yet terrible. It's happened a couple times in that class. ("No entiendo Japonés. ching cha chi chang." "I don't understand Japanese." So bad...)

Also, in one class, we're talking about the history of Spain and when the Muslims and Jews were here in the Iberian peninsula. He asked, "Do we have any Jews in here?" Not really politically incorrrect, but still...

Also, according to my Spanish teacher, Americans tend to dive into their homework without reading the instructions. Thought that was interesting.

And lastly, I have a funny story that I didn't share about my intercambio. I was talking to my guy and he noticed I couldn't roll my Rs (in an intercambio, you're suppose to correct and help one another. It's great). He asked me to say duck. So I said pato. He said, no no, duck. So I said pato. There was some slight confusion, and then he spelled out d-o-g. Oooohhhh. Dog. That was a tough one for him. Which, oddly enough, dog in Spanish, perro, is tough for me to say.

And an odd shirt that I saw the other day on a blonde girl I'd put at 16.

I'm Lost. Please Take Me Home With You.

Yeah... I don't think I'd let my daughter wear that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that shirt is so scandalous!<33