Monday, October 22, 2007

Wine Tasting

So last night, no wait, I guess that was Sunday night, anyway, my señor came home around 10pm or so (so after dinner). He had some extra slices of pizza from some pizzeria that they went to. He offered us the last 5 slices. The other two guys didn't want any so I ate them all. (What?! They were tasty, and better than that frozen crap). Anyway, the one guy who knows Spanish told the señor that I ate all 5 of them. Our señor said that my cholesterol is going to be through the roof. Yeah, and the 3 packs a day he smokes is great for his health. And worth mentioning, cholesterol seems to be a big deal here. This fear is one reason why they don't eat eggs for breakfast. At least, that's what I've heard from 2 Spaniards.

IES offered a wine tasting class. Not knowing anything on the subject, I decided to sign up (this is similar to the cooking class I took). The lady knew pretty good English, and it was a lot of fun. Not a stuck-up, anal wine tasting event like I envisioned. We learned how to taste wine and how to check its age by the color, brightens, transparency, etc. We tried white, cava (champagne in Spain), rosé (pink wine) and two red wines. It was very interesting. Plus, there was meat, cheese, and crackers. Yum.

The quasi-snobbish, rich girls who have apparently had lots of wine in their days weren't too bad, either. Hmm... after rereading that comment, I realize I didn't word it very well. I'm not talking about their attractiveness, but the fact that they didn't annoy me.

I gotta go get some homework done. I have 3 tests on Thursday! Woo! But then, of course, it's Fall Break! I'm very excited for Italy and Athens.


Michelle said...

Sooo sophisticated!

Unknown said...

I'm sooo excited you did wine tasting! Spanish wines are my favorite. When you're of age here, we'll have to do some wine tasting. (What's that? Did I hear someone say DOUBLE DATE?)