Thursday, September 27, 2007


After studying and some homework, I hopped on the tram (light rail that's above ground) and went to the FC Barcelona soccer game. The FC stands for fútbol club, and people call the team Barça (Bar-tha or Bar-sah) for short. The tram dropped me off on the opposite side of the stadium where my friends were. I hiked it around and we went inside (well, only half of us because a couple girls were late and a couple of the guys had to wait for them to give them their tickets). We climbed up to our seats of this massive stadium just in time to see kickoff.

Here's one of the scoreboards with the city in the background. We were high up, but still good seats.
We apparently, though, were in the rowdy crowd section. Aside from the many joints being rolled in front of us, the group behind us made a ton of noise and was clearly quite drunk. They also hit on two of the girls non-stop, forcing them to get up and sit down in front of the rest of the group. However, they were the ones who were late, making one of the guys miss at least 2 goals, so we didn't feel too bad for them.

It was explained to me by one of the soccer enthusiasts in our group that Barça is a stacked team. They spend a lot of money on players. This was what I think is called a C league game, so it was much cheaper, but the competition isn't the greatest. Real Zaragoza had no chance. It was 3-1 in the first 20 min or so, and Barça just played with them the rest of the game. It ended up being 4-1.

Here's a picture of Derek and I. He was one of the soccer enthusiasts and will probably come up a few more times in this blog. I look fantastic in this photo, as usual. Here's me enjoying a nice 4€ bocadilla. Interesting to note, they do not serve alcohol at stadiums. I'm assuming that's to prevent those crazy European soccer brawls we get to see on TV ever once in a while.
I almost forgot to mention! After the game, I made my way over to where the light rail is. For some odd reason, even though 70,000+ people just attended a soccer game, the light rail closed at 12ish, right around the time the game ended. I got there, and it was gone. Wow. Spectacular. So I decided to follow the tracks home. It took me 40 min (time-wise that's not too bad here. 25-30 is more acceptable. Beyond that I usually take public transportation. More and this subject in a future blog.). However, that 40 minutes included some jogging, which was nice to do. I haven't been running too much lately.

I'm currently starving, but dinner isn't for another 2 hours. Ugh. Oh well. At least it's the weekend for me. Yea! Time to get a little organized for the next week and plan what I'm going to do for the rest of my time here in Europe. Some sleeping in is also in order.

P.S. Just as I was about to post this, my señor informed me that he is going to the police station (I think...). So apparently it is just his son, the 2 girls from Mexico, and I eating dinner. Yea! 100% Spanish meal... Oh well, maybe with him gone we can eat earlier! Hmm...

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