Saturday, September 22, 2007

First Night of La Mercé & cookies

Friday night kicked off La Mercé. I'll post more about it tomorrow, but La Mercé is Catalan for Lady of Mercy, or something like that. As I said, I'll get more info, but several hundred years ago, there was a plague of locust in Barcelona. The people prayed to Mary (Lady of Mercy...? Sorry, Catholics, correct me if I'm wrong. Why can't there just be Jesus? So complicated) and the plague ended. So, since then, they celebrate hardcore and it's been a huge festival since. Fireworks, concerts everywhere
and much more. Last night we caught this parade of dragons and stuff. They had fire at first, but then for some reason, towards the end, they were put out.

I've gotta run (a museum is open for free right now), but I'll try to come up with more information on all this stuff later.

Oh, and a loved one brought up the concern of my weight. I'm doing fine, don't worry, and here's a picture to prove it.
Those cookies are amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you doing your push-ups and sit-ups? =]

sorry i didn't get to see you this morning

i was tiiiiiired.

but i miss you!

and what a strange parade with dragons!

OH and i got my camera back.

love, christine.