Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mailing Address & Some Stories

To start out with, here's my mailing address:

IES Barcelona
c/o Chad Dupic
Rda. Sant Pere, 5 - 1º
08010 Barcelona, Spain

This is the IES main building and we can pick up our mail there. They can only receive standard letters there. So while I know all of you out there in Internetland wish to send me big boxes full of love, candy, cheeseburgers, and smoke-free American air, I can't get them. Sorry.

As you may be aware of, I'm feeling a little sick. A small cough with a very stuffy nose. English is hard enough to speak with a stuffed up nose, let alone a language I barely know. After 20 years experience with my "awesome" body, I've learned that when I get sick, I gotta get on it. So, I headed to the supermarcado across the street for some DayQuil. I soon found out that all drugs are sold in pharmacies, including heroin. Haha, merely joking of course! You can only get that from vending machines.

Anyway, I go into this tiny place and look all over and don't see what I need (or the handy American packaging that comes in, well, handy at times). I approach one of the pharmacists and try to explain in my terrible Spanish that I have a sinus infection. He spoke no English, but we understood each other. He goes to the back where there are tons of drawers and pulls out this:

I take 10ml 3 times a day. It seems to be the right stuff. I'm feeling a lot better, so that's a good thing. Oh, and from talking to my orientation leader, all drugs, even what we would called OTC drugs, are sold in pharmacies. Seems unnecessary, but that's the law.

I also had a bocadilla (sandwich made with a baguette) for lunch at a cute, little shop on my way home. It's kinda cool to eat out on the streets, away from the tourist areas. It cost 2,80€ (which is how they write it here. They use . and , the opposite way we do in the States). I just ordered bocadilla del día (sandwich of the day). It was something called fluato de Bull and came with café con leche (coffee with milk). I have no idea what kinda meat was on that sandwich.

That's all for now. I'll leave you with what I think will become a permanent addition to my blog. I like to call it "Shirts With Random English Words On Them." The shirt with random English words on it of the day is:

Porno Sonic.


Unknown said...

Ha ha, this is your best post EVER!!!

When I was studying in Spain, I was served a lot of "lomo." The best translation I could find was "back meat." (Those were my carnivore days.) Apparently, names of meats don't translate well . . .

Anonymous said...

i was just going to ask you for your mailing address
because i got my school pictures back
and of course i'm going to send you one!

hopefully as time goes on you'll be able to know what you're eating =]

<33 chris

Michelle said...

I agree with Carrie this is a great post....that is the strangest address I have EVER seen. How does it feel to have not 90210 as your zip code but 08010 and Barcelona nonetheless?