Wednesday, September 12, 2007


September 11 means something a little different in Catalunya (The Catalan way of spelling Catalonia). I tried researching online, but all the websites are in Spanish or Catalan, so here's what I've pieced together.

Back in the day (before 1700s), there were Castellanos (Spaniards) and Catalonians (people of Catalunya, were Barcelona is the capitol). Each had their own culture and language (Catalonians were more similar to the French because they are right next to it). Then, in I think 1652, the Spanish conquered Catalunya. The leader of the Catalonians (no, I don't know his name) was killed and he dragged his blood soaked hand across his golden shield, leaving 4 red stripes, which is where Catalunya gets its flag as seen here hanging on an arc (flags with the red star are more "radical" someone told me. You can't see it, but this one does have a star).

From what I've gathered, this guy was slain on Sept. 11 and so on this day each year, Catalunya celebrates Llibertat in Barcelona. It's a time where people talk about breaking away from Spain. It kind of felt like I was in Germany during the late 1920s. A big political rally. Very radical. I purchased a sweet shirt for 10€ that says, in Catalan, "Make no mistake, I'm from Catalunya and so I am not Spanish."

Here's a few small pictures (for those who have crappy Internet, like me) of what I saw. Hopefully it gives you a feel of the atmosphere.

And here's a poster I purchased for 1€.
Apparently by 2014 they want to be their own country and join the EU.

It was great to be able to experience and see all of this. A blog post by an American who can't speak the language doesn't quite do it justice, but it was neat. Not everyone there or in Catalunya are crazy, socialist radicals, but this event had an edgy feel to it. Wonder what the rest of Spain thinks...


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, very interesting blogs. Take care. Love, Aunt Pat

Anonymous said...

Well, thats pretty informative. pretty cool. Can't wait to see that shirt =]

JoAnne said...

Hi Chad,
Love reading about you adventures in Spain. Have a wonderful time. Love, Jo in Sioux Falls

Anonymous said...

yeah the Catalans do tend to get a bit radical and carried away on September 11th I used to live in a town just outside Barcelona and the main street was called Avenida 11 de Setembre.