Thursday, September 20, 2007

Waiting for my RA...

Dinner last night (Wed) was a little awkward. My señor talked to the other two guys, but didn't really talk to me and I stayed fairly quiet. However, I got the feeling that if I can get things cleared up tonight with the RA, things will go back to normal. I'll let all of you know how it goes tomorrow.

Today marked the end of my first week of classes. It went pretty well, I believe. I'm looking forward to the weekend so I can get situated, but also this weekend marks the start of Barcelona's biggest fiesta: La Mercé. It celebrates the patron saint of this city, although I don't quite know who that is. I'll find out more this weekend.

Also, IES has an activity called the Cultural Passport. It is this booklet full of sights to see and various points award if each one is completed. One example, you get awarded 15 points for having your picture taken with a mammoth statue in the city's largest park. The idea is to make us kids go out and see the city. If you get 75 points, you get a free pass to 7 of the city's museums. If you get 125, you get entered into a raffle with various prizes.

The rules say you have to take in your camera and show them the pictures from it. I didn't read the rules until I was halfway done, so I figured I'd just place all the photos I needed on a USB drive (after I upload pictures onto my computer, I delete them from my camera). I went in to turn in my photos, and she would not except it. I tried to think of what I could do, and settled for taking pictures of my laptop monitor. I hefted it back to my place to attempt this jury rig of an idea. Here's how one of them turned out (my friend "made me" pose like that):

I went back to the IES building and she accepted them. I got up to 115 points. So close, but she wouldn't accept this photo because the directions say I have to be in it (whoops on my part):

So I rushed up the street several blocks and had a random person snap this quick photo (and yes, I need a haircut badly. I'm getting one tomorrow):

I completed the cultural passport! Yea! I'll let you know if I win anything.

And the random shirt of the day said:

I'm you're lust


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, hope your RA can settle things for you. Hang in there! Tip: Always wise to read rules of a game before playing a game...hope you win lots of points. It sounds like you are having fun and sure learning lots. Take Care Love, Pat

Anonymous said...

Hey chaddy.
were these directions in spanish?
haha jk.

pretty snazzy

miss you


Anonymous said...

i love the random shirt of the day

i am your lust

hahahahah =]

Chad said...

Actually, it is "I am you are lust" which makes it even funnier.