Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Impressions & Class Schedule

Some things I've noticed about Barcelona:

  1. Everyone talks with a lisps. And while I feel like a tool, and I haven't noticed any of the other Americans doing it, I enjoy talking with one as well.
  2. The architecture is really cool. Great city in that way.
  3. Everyone smokes.
  4. Lots of mopeds
  5. Which leads me to another point: I've learned smells are very powerful things. The perfume floor at El Corte Inglis reminds me of when we as a family went to Spain. The exhaust from the motorcycles reminds me of boating or when we had motorcycles. And that leads to still another point. Barcelona is very clean for a big city, but the air is only ok. The combo of burning oil and cigarettes wasn't the greatest and I got a mild headache yesterday.
  6. People here, especially the guys, people dress in two ways. They either look very sharp, or very, um, "metro" to put it nicely. If I see another sleeveless polo, I think I'm going to slap somebody. And tight cut-off jeans? Come on fellas.
  7. Guys are on the sketchy side. I walked around with 3 ladies yesterday and noticed the looks or stares. The worst was the creepy guy who had written on his stomach (his shirt was off, and while he looked 16, he was probably low 20s) "Sex 7E"(the Euro key is not working in this blog program).
  8. While not super friendly, people are not rude here. It is a big city, so I don't expect "holas" from every passerby
I think that's about it for that. My host house is filling up. 3 kids from SCU, 1 Australian working on his Ph.d, 1 Mexican (another on the way) and 2 Russians.

Now here's my class schedule

Spanish: M-Th 12-1

Great 20th century Painters: Dali, Miro and Picasso M & W 10:15-11:45

Economic Effects of Spain's EU membership: M &W 3:45-5:15

Iberian Peninsula: Cultures and Religions through the arts: T & Th 10:15-11:45

Management Across Borders: T & Th 3:45 - 5:15


Anonymous said...

Remember when I dropped and smashed a whole bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume in El Corte Ingles? Omigod, how mortifying! And I think we all reeked for the rest of the day!!!!

-- Carrie

Chad said...

Haha, I do remember that. Sheesh... that was bad

Anonymous said...

Can't take Americans anywhere.

-- Carrie

Anonymous said...

i remember that too.

i don't think i saw it
but so embrassing



i can't believe that guy and
how he wrote SEX on himself.

<3333 chris

Anonymous said...

Hey Chad!! I loved your comments about Spain! Glad to hear that you made it over there ok. Hope your semester goes well. Can't wait to hear more about your adventure.
Take care!
Your Cousin Angela

Anonymous said...

Hi Chadder,
I just read your blogger page for the first time with Chris' expertise skills of assistance, ha, ha! Yes, you certainly looked more rested the next day than you did the previous night of arrivial. Spain does look beautiful. Do they still allow smoking everywhere? Mom

Michelle said...

I can't believe the styles either. Ridiclous. I am so jealous you get to take classes on Dali, Miro, and Picasso then actually see them. Reina Sophia, El Prado here we come!