Monday, September 3, 2007

Arriving in Barcelona

I’m writing part of this on my flight from Las Vegas to Philadelphia. I’ll add more and post it once I get settled in Barcelona.

I finished my packing on Saturday night and so far I’m feeling pretty good about what I brought and how much. And yes, I do have some extra space so I can bring back items that I’ll acquire over in Europe (for myself and others).

A careful reader who’s aware of my flight schedule may be confused as to why I’m flying out of Las Vegas. The flight from SFO to Philadelphia was way overbooked and they offered a free round-trip ticket to anywhere in the continental U.S. to anyone willing to fly from SFO to Las Vegas and then onto Philly. I had a 3 hour layover in Philadelphia anyway, and I could afford to arrive about an hour and a half later so I took up the offer. Kind of exciting. Now I just have to figure out where I’ll go in the U.S. once I get back…

I’m now writing this on a Boeing 767, flying over the Atlantic Ocean. It has been a long flight so far, with a couple of hours to go, but it’s been good. The only real issue is the guy in front of me has his seat all the way back, making typing and looking at a computer screen rather difficult.

I’ve been staying busy with my thoughts, trying to catch some Zs, and reading two art books on Picasso and Goya, respectively (did I use “respectively” correctly?). I’m now listening to some Tom Petty and sipping on a Coke that I got from my return trip from the bathroom. Also, as I was waiting in line for the lavatory, one of the stewards complimented my Cole Hann shoes. Thanks, Carrie :)

Man are my contacts dry…

And I just got destroyed by the computer at hearts. Ouch.

And it is now 12:30pm in Barcelona. I’m moved into my room and I’m just getting settled in. I’ll post more info later. Right now I’m exhausted and nasty feeling. I’m going to take a shower.

Ah! And a new problem. The website is defaulting to Spanish. Err…


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad! This is Carrie and Chris. First of all, Chris says, "ha ha, I told you so!" regarding the Internet changing to Spanish. Second, I say, "ha ha, I told you so!" regarding your feelings of nastiness and desire to shower immediately upon arrival. Should've showered before going!! hehe Oh, and no, you did not use respectively correctly.

Anonymous said...

This is Carrie: I miss you already!! We checked out your photos--those wavy buildings are the Gaudi architecture I was telling you about!! I can't wait to hear more about your home. We haven't checked out that site yet.

Love you!!!

Michelle said...

You mean Chad didn't shower before he left!!!!!!!!!!!? Hmmm.... ;)

Anonymous said...

He did the night before--I told him he should the morning of!!

- Carrie