Friday, September 21, 2007

My Mess, Cleaned Up

Our RA finally came (over an hour late, haha) and to make a long story short, she helped sort things out. Basically, he wasn't happy I brought someone over and apparently his son has been uncomfortable around us. I'll admit, I/we screwed up, however I kind of wish he would have shared the rules with us ahead of time (they vary from homestay to homestay. I've visited other people at their homestays and their señoras didn't mind, but of course he has the right to have any rules he wants). And I also wish he told us if we were doing wrong instead of holding it in and then blowing up. I understand, though, that there's a language barrier, and it's time we've all moved and, and it looks like we're doing that. Dinner was much better last night.

So, thankfully, my mess has been cleaned up. I can now go back to writing about more fun things.

And speaking of messes, I'm going to go get a haircut now. Here is a shot of me before:

If it looks greasy, it's because I just showered. Don't worry Mom, I'm keeping good hygiene.

Okay, and I just got back. Wow, I don't think I'll need another haircut this year. I walked down a street where I knew I saw a bunch of peluquerías and ran into one where a lady was standing on the outside. I asked her how much it cost, and she said, "Diez Euros" (10€). I can handle that. She then said something about "poquito" and "media" and I eventually pieced together that there was a small wait so I should come back in about a half an hour. It's easy to walk around and kill a half hour, so I did just that.

I arrived and she said "poquito" again and had me sit down. I waited for almost 30 more minutes, when I asked her if I could get a haircut today (okay, no, I don't mean that in a rude way). She was just sitting there, but I then learned that she wasn't a hairstylist and the other lady would be done in 10 minutes. However, less than 10 minutes later, a guy comes in and greets me.

Talking to him was a little harder than talking to hairstylists in California, but barely. I got the point across that my hair was very long, and I wanted it shorter. I also wanted my patilla (sideburns) trimmed and cleaned up. He pinched his fingers together to show what appeared to be about a half inch to an inch. Man, it turned out to be about 2 inches.

Yeah, it's super short, but surprisingly nice. I just may go somewhere other than Fantastic Sam's when I get back to the U.S.. Maybe...

Also worth noting, they used disposable apron things and towels to dry my hair. Thought that was interesting.

One more quick story, we went to a club last night (pretty nice, and no smoking :) ) and it played some serious techno all night long. No American hip-hop there. There was also interesting "entertainment" on the stage. I think there were about 7 women and one male. Most of them were wearing odd, black leather attire. The one lady with the microphone spoke in some random English. Her favorite phrase was "get down," and later a song came on that said it in almost the exact same way she did. Oh techno... Oh Europeans...

The shirt of the day said:

Say No To Cages


Anonymous said...

i'm glad your hair will be grown out
when you get back in December!
pretty short.
but good job
at least they didn't think you meant like shaved off completely
oh my.


Unknown said...

hahahahaha -- you have porcupine hair!!!

Er, I mean, very Euro, Chad, you look great.

Anonymous said...


It looks like you are losing weight. Are you eating ok? Maybe we should all send you some cookies. Take care and we will talk on Saturday.



Anonymous said...

Chad, You look like a punk rocker. Very, very Euro. Where's my son? Just kidding. At least it is cut short right and not hacked up. Oh, well, you'll be cooler, I mean that literally. I am so glad today is friday!!
Look forward to hearing and seeing you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

okay mom doesn't know what she's talking about
your hair is soooo not punk rocker.

so don't trip.


Anonymous said...

Chad, Doug and I like your haircut. Glad all is working out for you. I don't see weight loss in the pictures. Dad's worry don't they? Have fun! Take care, Love, Pat