Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 2

Note: Due to certain outrage over a certain Spanish word published in my previous post, I went back and edited it. This blog will be clean for all languages.

I'm currently enjoying some sunflower seeds that I picked up at the supermarcado. Oh they taste delicious.

Anyway, the second round/day of classes went well. I'm feeling better about my Spanish class. I just have to stay on top of my studies. I have a little homework for tonight. In my global management class, we have to write a couple of papers and interview managers in Barcelona and in another area in Europe. Not sure how I'm going to go about doing that. My art history class seems like it should be pretty cool. It will focus mostly on Islamic art in the Iberian Peninsula.

That's all for now. And Christine, don't worry, I've been keeping an eye out for random English shirts and today I saw about 5, but it's so hard to remember what they say because, well, they don't make sense.

Here's the three I do remember:
Love Not Dead
I (heart) the 1980s
Home ******* Kills Prostitution

Another one said something like "live the question is the answer" but it made no sense whatsoever, so I couldn't remember it.


Anonymous said...

i think love not dead
is the best of them all.
you could have wrote i <3 the 80s
get with the typing lingo =]

any who i still remember when we were there
and at Women's Secret
everything said
2005 what fun it is to.

<33 christine

Unknown said...

I think the shirt Chad bought when our family was last in Spain is the best: "I love chicks and cheese!"

Anonymous said...

no way cause that actually makes sense.
kind of weird
but at least it's gramatically correct =]