Sunday, September 16, 2007

School Tomorrow

Today didn't start out too well with the Huskers losing badly to USC. Very sad times. I was able to watch the first half because my awesome sister Christine set up a webcam pointed at the TV. It worked pretty well. However, I think a little after 3:30 I fell asleep. I miss football, and I hope the Huskers regroup and start playing better.

Tomorrow classes start. I'm very excited for a couple of reasons. One being that I'll be in contact with fellow IES students. At the moment, I'm pretty far away from a lot of them. Also, my classes just sound cool and fun and I'd also like to start learning this darn language.

I'm currently sitting in the living room where my señor and his son are eating lunch and watching racing. I figure I better start surrounding myself more and more with this language. It's fun, but hard, trying to talk to Jaume in Spanish. He helps me out though.

And speaking of the language, you're right Carrie. Catalan is all over, from street signs, to shop names, and metro directions. I'd like to look up some of the words that I see, but kinda hard to.

I guess that's all for now. I'll let you know how the first day of school goes.


Anonymous said...

Oh fosho I'm awesome hehe later bra

Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, great idea to watch your football games. Very creative! Love, Pat