Tuesday, October 2, 2007

PicCell Wireless

Hey everyone!

Today I picked up my new cell phone. IES requires that we have a cell phone, and they teamed up with a company called PicCell Wireless. The rates are pretty decent, especially if you don't use it very often, haha. It's about ,09€ a minute to call other PicCell Wireless kids, and I believe ,39€ for other calls in Spain. I don't know the rates for roaming calls outside of Spain, but I'm not too worried about it. I don't see myself making too many calls from Denmark. It cost $19.95 to rent the phone.

As I said, I picked up a new cell phone because the previous one I had did not ring. For over a week (almost 2) I missed tons of calls. I figured I was just being stupid. Were the settings correct? And do cell phones really stop ringing? Apparently ones rented by Americans studying abroad do. The customer service was amazing though. I emailed them, and less than 1o minutes later I got an email saying there was a phone waiting for me to pick up. It works, and I'm happy.

Here's a picture of the phones. The one on the left is the new one.

Today in my Management Across Borders class (where we spend most days discussing the reading on how businesses are different in different countries, etc. You have to do the reading and be on your toes) we had a guest speaker. He spoke only Spanish, so our professor, who knows over 6 languages, would translate our questions and his responses. The speaker worked for Abbott, an American pharmaceutical company. We got to hear about cultural differences, etc. It was pretty entertaining.

And last night, while waiting at the metro stop to meet some friends from up the road, I saw this shirt:


The arrow is meant to represent a cartoon arm pointing to the wearer's left. I'm not sure what to make of it. In the U.S., that shirt would probably say "I'm with stupid." I'm not sure what "un..inc" is suppose to be. A company?


Unknown said...

What I miss about Chad:

5. His musings on how this past summer was better than the 3 previous summers.
4. His requests for girlfriend advice.
3. His Bambi-fish face.
2. His 74 text messages per day.
1. His hugs!!!

Chad said...

Aw... Thanks, Carrie. Haha.

Anonymous said...

HI Chad, what is the legal age to drink in clubs? Is there a legal age to get into a club? You are having fun...I enjoy your logs. It would be great if you could visit SD down the road. take care, Love, Pat