Sunday, November 11, 2007

BCN Legends

This morning I woke up a little earlier to talk to Michelle a bit over webcam. The 9 hour time difference is kinda rough sometimes. I get some chances to talk to her during the week, though. The weekend is about the only time that works for my family, so traveling on them prevents me from talking to them a lot. It will be great to see them in December.

This morning I was eating cereal but really wanted to drink the milk left in the bowl. When my señor turned his back to get some coffee, I quickly downed it. Oh, it was tasty.

Before I left for school, he asked me if I wanted my sheets changed. I'm not sure why he asked because every Monday is the day our rooms are cleaned. Anyway, I said yes. Well, our pillowcases have 2 sides that look a little different. The modern-esque patterns differ slightly from side to side. Several days ago I kinda drooled on the one side so I just flipped it over. Well, today, when I got back home, I looked at my pillow and saw it was just flipped over, exposing the drool spot. Pssh! He didn't change my pillowcase! Just flipped it over!! Sneaky Spaniard.

Ah, and today I secured Michelle a room at my homestay. That feels good to finally have that taken care of. However, I now need to figure out our Madrid trip. Very long story short, I bought a plane ticket to Madrid and planned on taking an overnight train back to Barcelona. Well, it turns out those are canceled until sometime next year because they are building a new fast track. I now need to figure out how we'll get back to Barcelona. I'll probably just buy another plane ticket. That kinda sucks though because round trips are usually cheaper than 2 one ways.

I learned some Barcelona legends today in Spanish class. Similar to the story I heard about La Mercé, Barcelona used to have a lot of illnesses and diseases. However, apparently an angel named Custodio (think that's how it is spelled) saved the city from the diseases so there is now a street named Portal de L'Angel and a statue of the angel.

Another story is about Gervasio and Protasio, two alter boys. From what I pieced together, they eat breakfast everyday outside. One day, they wanted to eat inside (cold?) but of course, in church, that is rude. They knew this, so they asked a baby Jesus statue if they could eat with him (at least it wasn't a statue of Mary). He said yes, so everyday they ate with Jesus. Apparently they got upset, though, because Jesus never at any of the food. I think they asked a priest what they should do, and he told them to ask Jesus. They asked the baby Jesus if they could eat with him, so Jesus talked to the Father and then took the two boys up to Heaven to eat. A very interesting ending. Jesus didn't kill them, but took them to Heaven.

A guy was wearing a hooded sweatshirt that read:

I Might Say Yes

To what? Wearing clothes with ridiculous English statements on them?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should ask Jesus if you can drink the cereal milk in your Senor's house. WWJD? WWJD, indeed.