Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yummy Dinner

Today is my 70th blog post. Whew!

I'm still basically exhausted, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In 24 hours, my workload will lighten up a lot. Plus I will have weekends here in Barcelona. That will be very nice.

Dinner last night was amazing. My other housemates were at a concert and working on a group presentation, so they missed out. My señor made these red sausage type things which were delicious. However, the best part was the eggs. Yes, eggs. I had three fried eggs on top of potatoes and onions. It was amazing. Apparently it is a very traditional winter or wartime meal. It has lots of calories. Oh I loved it.

That's really it for now. I gotta finish this last paper.

Ah, and I hope the Huskers hire the right coach. Oh these last few years have been painful...

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