Friday, November 30, 2007

Dalí Museum

Don't you just love my creative titles?

Anyway, yes, today I went to Figueres (Figueras in English), the hometown of Salvador Dalí, the um, interesting surrealist painter. It was a field trip for my art class. It was just under 2 hours away by bus. We left at 10am and got back around 5:30.

He designed and built this museum (the self-proclaimed "largest surrealist object in the world") and it is very unique indeed. I'm really not sure how to go about describing it. The museum is called Teatre-Museu Dalí. It's an old theater transformed to house some of his works. I guess I'll just show you some pictures and maybe you'll get a feel for it. Basically he, well, he painted a lot of things, but as a surrealist, he focused on dreams and weird stuff. A lot of his stuff has sexual connotations, too. The more you learn about him, the more you realize that he's weird in pretty much every single way.

A crowd favorite was Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea Which at 20 Meters Becomes a Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. It's a painting of his wife Gala, but when you look at it from, well, 20 meters away, it becomes a painting of our 16th president. Try squinting if you can't see it at first. If you enlarge the picture, it becomes Gala.
Here's a painting called Poetry of America. Apparently it's the first representation of a Coke bottle in art history. The Coke bottle is just to the left of the guy's red pants. Wow, the Internet is being really slow. Only a few more.

Here's his tomb. He was a very egotistic man.There's also a Mae West room. It's a real-life remake of one of his paintings. Here you can see a room with a couch, fireplace thing, and 2 pictures.
Through the lenses provided (sorry it is blurry. Very low light) you can see that it takes on the face of Mae West (and to be honest, I don't know who that is...)

And Dalí was obsessed with Millet's painting called The Angelus Hour. The Angelus Hour is at noon, I believe, and I think it's because that's when the angel came to Mary, or something. Anyway, I guess Catholics used to stop what they were doing at noon and say a prayer. Millet did a painting of this but Dalí believed there was some big conspiracy about the painting. That it was actually something else. He wrote a book about it and did many paintings of it, or paintings with it in it.

Well, that's a look into Dalí and his odd museum. I'm going to get some homework done and then probably a frozen pizza! Yea! My señor usually doesn't cook on weekends.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!


Unknown said...

Wow, even before I read your discription, I saw Abe Lincoln!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, it is snowing in South Dakota! Good day to stay home. take care Love, pat

JoAnne said...

Hi Chad,
Love reading your blogs. Brr it is snowing and cold in SF, we could get up to 8 inches of the white stuff today. Well I am still in mourning, Cowboys 10-1 and Packer 10-1 played Thurday night (Laurie is a Cowboy fan)( Bill and I Packer fan)Packers got beat 37-27 but Farve got hurt in the 2nd quarter and couldn't play any more that night. Hurt his elbow and shoulder, but they say he will start there next game 12-09. They may be playing each other again for NFC champs. I hope. I have made my picks for the super bowl this year and of course Dennis and Mike think I am crazy.Oh well. How is the weather over in Spain?
Have a grand week. Love, Jo