Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lots of Scots

Another short post. I had my presentation today. I think it went really well. I also think I turned in a darn good Spanish paper. We shall see.

I had a slight headache as I returned home today. However, before I headed towards my house, I stopped to check out a plaza nearby. There were tons of Scots and tons of empties. Beer cans, etc, were everywhere. The Scottish soccer team, the Rangers, is in town to place Barcelona. It should be an interesting night. I don't have anything tomorrow, really, which is good because I'm curious to see what tonight will be like, especially if the Rangers win.

Well, I gotta go eat. I just woke up from my nap I took to help my headache. I still have it, but it's a little better. Probably just hungry. Or perhaps BCN smoke. Hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time on your trip. Missed your messages. LOve Donna