Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, I just got done eating with my señor and his son. I think something got lost in translation, and I partially hold my housemates responsible. I had lentil soup with sausage and for dessert, yogurt. Not quite the Thanksgiving extravaganza I thought we were going to have. He said there's no turkey in Spain, but he said there are these chicken-type birds that are similar. I took this to mean that I'd be having chicken for Thanksgiving. Clearly not. Somewhat disappointed. I wonder if my housemates were here and not at Hard Rock Cafe if things would be different. After all, it'd be easier to make a special dinner for 3 Americans rather than just one. Oh well though.

Many students were complaining about having class today. Come on people, really. This got me thinking, I can't forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving, even 5,000 miles away with a stomach full of soup. So, here's a list of things I'm truly thankful for.

  1. I gotta hand it to God. He's been helping my family, helping me, made this whole study abroad thing possible, etc. When I take a step back, I'm truly amazed at what He's done in my life. Really. So thank you God, because without you, um, I'm really not sure where I'd be at the moment.
  2. Family and friends. I've been blessed with a great set of aunts, uncles, and cousins. I miss you guys and really, really look forward to the next time I can be with you. Thanks for all your thoughts and comments. I also miss my family. We're pretty great and we've helped each other get through some of the bumps in the road we've experienced. I have some good friends and a great girlfriend who adds a lot to my life.
  3. Kinda mentioned before, but this whole study abroad thing working out financially and mentally. No mental collapses! Ha! Take that IES graph. I searched for it, but I don't have it with me. In one of the booklets IES gave us, there was a graph of the "mental roller coaster" that we will go on. It starts out being excited to go, then depressed and homesick, then really liking it, then the "big plunge," then getting used to the environment, then getting excited about home, and then home is not the same, and then finally returning to normal (hopefully). Sheesh. We're not working in salt mines out here.
  4. Okay, back to my list. I'm thankful for attending Santa Clara University. I love my school and I'm happy with how my major and minors are going. I'm also excited for my apartment that I'll be moving into when I get back.
  5. Health. Another props I gotta give to God. Only He could somehow allow me and my terrible history of being seriously ill, to still be alive through all the smoke, pollution, apparently toxic water (as I sip on my glass full of it), lack of sleep, and the constant mental challenge of trying to communicate in a language I'm not too darn good with.
  6. SCU's gym. While I'm still alive, I'm probably not being too terribly healthy. I'm looking forward to being able to better control what I eat and work out. Yeah, pump those weights!
I could go on saying little things, and maybe some humorous things that I'm thankful for, but I think those are some of the biggies. I've got Jesus, my health, my family and friends, and the basic necessities for life. It's all good.

Now that warm fuzzy time is over, I'll share a little more about my day and then start working on this paper some more!

Last night our señor told us he is trying to quit smoking. From what I gathered, apparently his "new" doctor told him it'd be good for him. Um, so what did his "old" doctor say? "Smoke up! It's the Spanish way!" But seriously, it must be hard going from 2 packs to 0. We're guessing that's why we still smell and see him smoking. Perhaps he's weaning himself off of it. I just hope he doesn't get irritable. Oh goodness. That could be bad.

I found the Nitbus 17. The night bus to the airport. Because my flight is so early, I can't take regular public transportation, and I don't want to take an expensive cab. Money saved is money earned!

Okay, I guess that's about it. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. You shall hear from me next... most likely on Monday. I'll have some stories to tell of Granada, plus be slightly stressed about the papers that I'll have to finish in the following days.

So long!


Anonymous said...

So Chad are you telling me you had no chicken of any kind? Lentil soup and yogurt were just appetizers right? I have a feeling you're going to say wrong. Oh, a sense of humour really does help one's sanity doesn't it? Does mine. Your roommates really suck for bailing. They are not helping our US image at all during their stay unfortunately. I am glad and thankful for the same things Chad. Well, except the girlfriend. Anyway, sorry son my turkey feast awaits me. Love you and miss you like you cannot imagine!
Love :] Mom

Chad said...

Well, thank you Mom. But don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking my housemates! They're cool. Perhaps I didn't use a strong enough joking tone. And as for representing the U.S. of A., well, there's definitely kids in IES Barcelona that are way worse, haha. My housemates aren't bad!

My Thanksgiving dinner was a little, um, untraditional, but it's all good :)

JoAnne said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you. Bill and I had chicken noodle soup today cause Bill had his top teeth all pulled out on Monday. He is eating soft foods. He is learning to talk and eat with upper dentures. But we did have a turkey on Saturday before his teeth were pulled. Love reading your blog and thanks for the card. Aunt Jo

Unknown said...

Um, for Michelle's sake, I want to clarify one of Mom's statements--I can only assume she meant that she herself does not have a girlfriend because, well, duh, Mom's not gay. We get it. We all LOVE Michelle, of course, and wonder how Chad was lucky enough to get such a classy girl!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Chad, I had no idea that my comment on the girlfriend could be taken any other way than I don't have one. I certainly did not mean I don't like Michelle!!! I think she's very nice and you are lucky to have such a nice wonderful girlfriend. Gosh, how did I dig that dreadful hole? Sorry for any misunderstanding or hurt feelings to you or Michelle. Love, Mom