Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Good Grades and Spanish Censorship

I think my midterm for Economics went well. The questions were almost too easy. I think I wrote enough though.

I got my art midterm back today! Woo woo! I got a 9.75/10. A very, very solid A in this program. I'm excited. Plus, I got my other composition back in Spanish and got a 9.5 on it. Sweet. I am on a tear (by the way, I used that comment today, "I am on a tear" and no one had ever heard it before. Internetland people, tell me, I didn't make that up, did I?).

So school is going well. I just need to study for this Spanish midterm. I could use a good grade on that.

As for my homestay, we have a new guy from Chile. I think he's studying for his masters. He's a pretty cool guy. I like him. It is interesting, and probably good for me, to be meeting so many different people. The Ecuadorian leaves Friday, I believe. I personally am picking up the vibe that my señor doesn't like him too much. He is a little, um, odd. Borderline selfish too. Almost like he expects us to respect him because he's a doctor. I could be wrong though.

At dinner I brought up something I read in the news. Apparently 2 Spanish cartoonists got fined for drawing a political cartoon of the prince and princess having sex. The prince says, "Do you realize if you get pregnant, this will be the closest to real work I've ever done?" I guess the joke is that the Spanish government is now paying couples to have kids (Europe has a terrible birthrate). If you're interested in more, here's a short article on it. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hpv0KgR6xcl0MiQ6peNFZ8KeFADgD8ST6B1O0

I got my PicCell Wireless bill today. Okay, a little higher than my other one. I'm not too happy. Incoming calls are free, except when roaming in Germany, I guess. Crap. All those stupid people who kept calling me racked up my phone bill like crazy. Oh well.

Some other news, the Internet at IES 2 is working again! Yea! Sheesh, it just took them about a week to fix it.

That's all for now. Time to do some homework and studying. It will be nice to get that midterm done tomorrow. Then I can start planning for my trip to Sevilla.


Unknown said...

Chad, I have no idea what "I am on a tear" means.

Chad said...

Okay, not tear as in crying, but as in tearing a piece of paper. Wow, apparently I don't know what I'm saying.

Michelle said...

I hear southern Spaniards are very nice people with interesting culture. Can't wait to hear about your trip to what is apparently one of the greatest places in Spain!

Unknown said...

I've heard of, "I tore it up!" as in you did something really well, but . . .