Monday, November 5, 2007

Classes, Pans, and Football

Back in school. Classes went well. I have some papers due this week and 2 midterms next week. The workload is definitely going to pick up from here. However, I'm still really enjoying my classes.

And speaking of classes, today I registered for my winter quarter classes at SCU. I'll be taking two accounting courses (for my major), an information systems course (for my IS minor), and a Buddhism class (for my religious studies minor). Feels good to have that done.

Today for lunch I went to Pans & Company, a Spanish fast food company. They serve bocadillas (boh-kah-dee-yas), which are basically sandwiches made from baguettes. Tasty. I also went to one when I got back to Barcelona on Saturday. It cost 4,90€ and I gave the lady 5€. Now, change is a funny thing here in Spain. Often you'll get the least efficient amount back (or at least not the most efficient). For example, it costs 6,90€ to buy a 10 trip metro pass. If you put in, say, 7€, the machine will give you two 5 cent coins instead of a 10 cent coin.

Now, the lady at Pans reached for what I thought were the 5 cent coins. I figured that was fine. I'm used to the odd change in this country. However, she ended up giving me four 2 cent pieces and two 1 cent pieces (the 5, 2, and 1 cent coins are the same color, but get progressively smaller). What the snap?! Thanks a lot lady.

Ah, and also at this Pans, I saw a man wearing a leather jacket that said, "We are all alike until we dress." Yeah... That's deep.

And finally, I watched the Colts/Patriots game last night (kickoff was 10:15pm my time). Needless to say, I didn't enjoy watching the Patriots come back to win.

Also, please don't mention anything about Nebraska. A little piece of me has died these last 5 weeks in a row...

And just before I was going to send this, the Ecuadorian came in to say hello. I didn't understand 90% of what he said.