Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lighter work load and field trips

Yea! I'm done with those three papers! That feels pretty good. After I post this I think I might try to take a nap. Then I'll shower and eat some dinner. Oh, and our RA is suppose to get here today, although I'm not sure what time. Then it's time to go back out to the Barcelona nightlife. I'm excited for that and to get started on some of my work that is due the next week or so.

Which reminds me, I have a Spanish presentation I have to do. It is 4-5 minutes on anything. My hometown (probably not going with that one), a tradition, famous person, etc. Anything. Any ideas? Something funny/entertaining is always a plus.

My religion/architecture/art class was canceled today because the professor was sick. It gave me a chance to sleep in which was very nice. After Spanish class, I went to the market near my school. I picked up some figs, raisins, and more peanuts. Yum. It should last me a few lunches. I gotta pack a lunch for tomorrow. My art class is taking a field trip to a Dalí museum about an hour and a half away. More on that tomorrow.

Today in my management class we went to another business and had a man speak to us (this is the fourth such visit). The idea of this class is to learn about different cultures, and it is kinda interesting, but can get dry and repetitive at times. Our teacher translated and apparently this man worked for a company called Beter. It used to be called Better, but dictator Franco outlawed English company names back in the day. My professor, Dr. Duch (Duke, although you can probably guess what most students call him), kept saying "blazer rades." Apparently the company makes razor blades for men and women.

Also, just before we left the business, he asked me to make an attendance sheet to pass around. That way he knows who actually showed up. I misspelled attendance at first, spelling it attendence. Sheesh, I'm such an awful speller.

Michelle arrives in Barcelona in about 10 days! It's going to be pretty cool showing her around. I'll also finally see some of the more touristy things in Barcelona that I've been holding off on. Pssh, I'm not paying 16,50€ twice to see a building by Gaudí! Shoot, that'd be over $45.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Barcelona for two month and I haven't done any tourist stuff is time:) So thank you for the advice on touristplaces. If you would like any advice of your own. Check out this page: