Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buying stuff and Econ

Today I watched an Orson Wells movie about Othello for my religion class. I also had another field trip for my management class. We went to another business to talk about cultural differences. It is interesting, but that class is kind of repetitive.

Ah, and I also went to a big market here in Barcelona. I got some mandarin oranges and peanuts for cheap. I'm excited.

I also purchased airplane tickets for Michelle and I's return trip from Madrid to Barcelona. That feels good to get out of the way.

I could have sworn I had something funny to share with all of you, but I forgot it, if there was something. Anyway, I have some homework to finish and an Economics midterm to study for. Wish me luck.


Ah, I do remember what I was going to say! I got a 10 on my last composition for Spanish! Woo! I worked hard on that, plus the content was very good. I think I now better understand what she wants us to do. Anyway, I was very excited about that. Plus I beat my housemate. Ever since that one time when he beat me despite having more errors, I've been trying to out do him. Oh yeah!

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