Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Toro Pasado

Hello everybody!

I'm still feeling slightly under the weather, but I have to keep chugging away at these papers. After this post I'm going to shower and then try to finish my econ paper.

Last night at dinner I asked my señor about the saying my economics professor said in class on Monday. After a lot of exchanges, and help from my one housemate who knows Spanish, we figured out that "toro pasado," which literally translates into something like "last bull," means it is too late now. For example, at the dinner table, his son didn't know if he wanted to eat his orange, but once he peeled it: Toro pasado. There's no turning back. Once you peel an orange, you gotta eat it. I thought that was interesting.

Anyway, yes, I do kinda need a haircut, but I'm holding out for the States. And speaking of that, I return in 25 days. My flight leaves on December 21 at 9:35am and I land in San Francisco at 8:55pm.

I came up with a great analogy to describe how I feel about returning home. Let's say it is December 10. Christmas is coming up and you're super excited. You can't wait until Christmas. However, that said, December 10 and the weeks following are not bad. You like them. In fact, they are some of the best days of the year. I think that is kind of how I feel about coming home. I'm having a great time in Barcelona and I'm excited for everything I have left to do (including showing Michelle around town), but I'm also excited to return home.

Ah, and one last note. Just in case some of you out there are thinking about filling my rather empty mailbox with something, I would say this would be the last week to send something. I'm just saying. Don't want IES to get my mail once I'm gone.

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