Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Franco and Cancer

Hey everyone.

Man, I am tired. I need to rest up before my trip to Granada this weekend. Thankfully I don't have my morning art class tomorrow. It was canceled because we're going on a field trip to Dalí's museum on next Friday. I'll get to sleep in!

Today was the anniversary of Spain's dictator's death. Franco died in 1975 I believe. I guess I have the power of the Internet, so I'll double check that to make sure.


Yes, that is when he died. I was hoping something crazy would happen today, but nothing. Apparently, and I'll quote an email I got from IES the other day:

Last weekend there was an unannounced and unauthorized left radical movement
demonstration in Barcelona which caused a lot of problems in the city
center. Benches and other public items were destroyed.

One of our students who happened to be in the area was chased by the police
and as a result his wrist was broken. He was standing in the side walk and
the police came running and hit him in the arm.

Oh Barcelona. If I go out tonight, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

I got a 9.5 on my latest Spanish paper, the one I had to wake up early for on Monday. That got me excited. I'm doing better in that class.

Ah, and also, while I was walking to class, I grabbed one of the free newspapers they hand out (I'll have to take a photo of one, one of these days). The article I "read" was entitled, "El agua de BCN supera los límites de toxicidad." I wasn't really sure if this article was saying the water wasn't toxic or it was and it would cause cancer. I had a friend scan it and yes, the water is toxic. However, "si se consumiera 'durante unos 20 años´podría ser concerígena." So if you consume it for 20 years, you'll get cancer. Hmm... Well, at least I'm only here for 4 months (31 days left; 19 until Michelle gets here).

The second student council meeting was today. As you may remember, each Spanish class "elects" a representative, and I did it for the food. This time it was a lot shorter, and less whiny, which was good. There was also pizza afterwards. Not bad. In a way, I got 2 dinners. Muy bien! (very good). Gotta pack in those calories when I can.

Okay, I'm going to go shower and then do some work. Enjoy yourselves!

P.S. Also, remember that nerdy Excel budget I told you about? The one that calculates how much I can spend each day, updating the number after I enter the amount I spent in a particular day? Let's say, for easy math's sake, I can spend 10€ a day. If I was here for 100 days and I spent 0€ on the first day, the program would add ,10€ (because I'm cool and write numbers the way they do out here). Well, on the 99 day, if I spend 0€, it would add 10€! So, as I get closer to the day I leave, if I spend under the "budgeted" amount, the new budgeted amount increases a lot more than it did in the beginning.

Okay, that was a very long afterthought. Probably confusing too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is Nov 20 10pm. We are going to Randy for Thanksgiving after I get off work tomarrow at 3pm Cant wait to see the grandkids. Jacobs 4th birthday party is Sat. Ang and family will be there. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Love, Donna