Friday, September 28, 2007

Dinner with the señor's son

To begin with, I guess my señor went to a concert. Ahhhhh.... That makes a little more sense, haha. And he went with a lady. We are all very confused about our mysterious señor. We don't think he has a wife. Practically all the information we have on Jaume, our señor, comes from the German guy who stayed here a bit. Apparently Jaume is fairly well off, used to "produce" movies and make ads in Hollywood, and wants to have the best homestay in all of Barcelona. However, with the language barrier, we're still a tad bit confused.

And speaking of the German guy, shortly after our señor left, he showed up. He had been in Germany for the last week or so. He had just finished his 3000km drive (roughly 1900 miles and reaching crazy German speeds of over 200km/h (124 mi/h)). I chatted with him a bit and then he took off for his apartment. I realize you're all probably a bit confused about all the different people here, and to be honest, I am too a little. Maybe I'll spell it all out in a future post.

ANYway, to the main topic of my post (boy, do I like to ramble...). It turns out that for dinner, it would be just my señor's son and I. He's a really cool kid (age 12). However, he speaks even less English than I speak Spanish, so we bumbled along, putting together dinner while I spoke in terrible Spanish. It was fun, though. We sat across from each other and I'd rack my brain, trying to think of how to say something in Spanish. We communicated, though, and it went well.

Today I plan on just relaxing a bit, going over some homework/studying and planning my trip to Montserrat tomorrow. It's about an hour outside of Barcelona. Should be cool and I'll let you know how it goes. That being said, I'm not sure what time I'll be home, so my next post might be in 2 days.


Anonymous said...

sounds like you too had a fun time!


Anonymous said...

Have a good two days. Sorry I did not comment before but was trying to figure out how to do it. Now I know why most everybody comes accross anonymous. Bob and Donna