Monday, September 24, 2007

Quieter La Mercé

Following the crazy events of the previous 24 hours, things have been a lot tamer (boy, that's funny looking word).

I saw a parade with more dragons, but with much smaller, quieter fireworks.
There were also the giants that danced around. They were kinda funny.

There were also some rather inappropriate ones (click to enlarge to get the full effect).

After seeing some of this stuff, some friends and I went down to the beach area to get in place to see the fireworks. We walked by some fun stuff by the beach: vendors, museum, eateries, and a small carnival. We also stumbled by a pub that was being promoted by these two guys from Denver. It was Sunday night, and they were showing some NFL games. We felt a little silly at such an American venue, but we kinda wanted a cheeseburger and see some football. However, the cheeseburger wasn't really a cheeseburger (I'll save my next attempt at one for when I get back to the states), but it was fun being there nonetheless.

Next we saw a nice fireworks display and then headed home for bed.

I just finished all more homework. I'm now going to go rush off to see some Sardanas, which is traditional Catalan dancing I guess.

More on that later!

Shirt of the day:

San Francisco & Idaho

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha san francisco & idaho
hahahah crazzzy.