Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Spanish Clothes for Chad?

Hello everyone.

First off, I've received at least 2 random comments on my blog. One of them was in Chinese (translated into something like "the scenery is pleasant"). A little odd, I guess. Thanks for the comments though, and thanks especially to those who sign their name.

I'm sorry to say that I don't have much to share at the moment. I have a quiz to study for and then I'm going to an FC Barcelona game (their soccer team here).

The only thing of much interest to share is I'm keeping my eyes and ears peeled for a cool, cheap, European place to get some clothes. So far, the best store that I've found (and the most reasonably priced) is H&M. I'm liking the shirts and underwear that they're selling over here. I especially like the polos made just for Spaniards. Why bother putting buttons on them when you don't even use 'em? (Seriously, lots of bare chests exposed here) In the up coming weeks, I can definitely see myself getting something there.

I'll let you know how the soccer game goes tomorrow. Have a great day.

And here are a couple shirts with some odd English on them. The first one was written like this (Note: the white periods are for spacing purposes):


It could be a completely normal shirt, but I just found the placing of the words a little weird.

And this one, well, I don't know what to say:

sex live life dangerously better


Anonymous said...

what is up with the white letters next to the up up and away?

i bet the soccer game was crazzzy.



Anonymous said...

Enjoying your articles. Donna