Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A game. Thanksgiving. Protesters?

Okay, I'm going to try something here. A game if you will. Let's see if this works. Scroll down and say the first thing that comes to mind.



If your first thought was "penis," then you have the same thought process as a 10 year old Spanish boy. My señor asked us at dinner if we walked to school or took the metro. I said I walked because, well, it's free, barely takes longer, and I get to see Barcelona. The city. The people. Etc.

His son started laughing and said something. My housemate who knows Spanish asked him to repeat. He said "pene," which is penis in Spanish. That's what people call this building, the Torre Agbar. It's the building for the water company (yeah, go figure). During that conversation, penis was said about 30 times. Sheesh.

I'm excited about dinner tomorrow. Unlike Donna, who apparently has this grand plan for Thanksgiving (have fun!), I'm going to celebrate it Spanish style. Unlike my housemates who bailed and are going to have a 22€ Thanksgiving dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, I'm eating with my señor and his son. Should be interesting. He's going to try to cook a turkey for us (well, me). However, apparently they don't sell whole turkeys in Spain, so it's a "chicken-like bird." I'll have a full report tomorrow.

Ah, and this morning I got to sleep in. It felt great. I'm energized. I went for a run too to clear my head. Physically I'm feeling pretty good. I thought I was about to get sick there, but I hope not. We shall see.

And I had my intercambio today. Again we went to McDonald's. However, that should be our last time. I already told you why we'd go there, but next week I'm not traveling on Friday, so we're going to meet at some local place near our homes at night. Should be much better. Better quality, too.

I'm also getting the ball rolling on my papers. After this post, I'm going to first write my extra credit Spanish paper about Thanksgiving in my family.

Protesters outside my place! be right back!

And I'm back. Okay, I guess I'm not done with this blog. There are some protesters outside Caprabo, the supermarket that is right across the street. I decided to go check it out and take pictures. It is dark out, and kinda awkward, but here's the pictures I got.
They are the guys in yellow jackets. Right in front of the blue lit store.

I also figured I might as well go in a take some photos of the inside. I got a flyer as I walked in. They seem to be angry at Caprabo. Something about labor rights. Perhaps closing down plants? Not sure. However, apparently we're not suppose to go to Caprabo from December 1-15. They need my help!

And here are some photos from inside. The fruit area.

My housemate's favorite aisle.

And the famous cereal aisle. Here's to pictures. See? It really is Special K and chocolate!
Okay, that's all for now. Happy Thanksgiving!


Unknown said...

I thought the building looks like a spaceship. It also looks like that red, white, and blue popsicle that the street vendors sell in the summer.

We'll be cooking Thanksgiving at home. As I do every year, I'm making my tofurkey (or "fro-turkey" as Dad erroneously calls it), which I simmer in homemade mushroom and herb gravy. Yum!! The real turkey is not my department.

Chad, I thought you were joking about the cereal isle being all Special K and chocolate. I was wrong! Do all the kids have holes in their teeth???


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, I just got done making pumpkin pies...come on over Chad...ha! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Hope the turkey bird is good Chad. One month and head for home for you. Take Care, Love, Pat

Michelle said...

All I have to ask is whose architectural decision was that? When you think of famous cities you think: New York, Statue of Liberty; San Francisco, Golden Gate Bridge. Barcelona....pene? Hmmm. ;)